The following tips can be used to jog your memory in how you can better manage your time, generate more time and be a more effective leader. Take a few minutes to inquire into the following tips, maybe get together with your staff and work through the various questions. Many of us think that we’re the only ones who can accomplish certain tasks. That’s a flaw in our thinking. If you are the only one who can accomplish certain tasks, I challenge you to start trusting someone in your organization, train them and use the delegation tool more often.
- Start with the outcomes; design actions backwards from there.
- What do I do regularly that I can stop doing altogether or delegate?
- What meetings can I eliminate or cut the time invested by 25%? 50%? 75%?
- When people drop in on you – tell them how much time you have to speak to them and stick to it.
- What trips (travel) can I eliminate or delegate?
- What opportunities do I see in my schedule where I can get additional things done at the same event?
- Who on my staff can I develop to do the things that I “believe” only I can do?
- What routine processes can I “checklist” to save mental energy for myself or my staff?