Eagle’s View® Audio Kit


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Are there things you’ve dreamt about but haven’t found the time? Eagle’s View can help you realize your dreams.

Eagle’s View is an occasion for people to reinvent their personal results management systems. People tend to use what they invent. Therefore, the odds that Eagle’s View will work for you are quite high. Participants need not give up the proven tools that they are now using. The unique Eagle’s View tools enhance and augment the things that already work for people, including book style organizers and personal computers. Eagle’s View is eclectic in nature. That is, the course encourages people to bring together the best of diverse methods and styles to build their own personal outcome management systems.

Eagle’s View has been offered live since 1989 and is now available on Audio CD. Participants report that their attention shifts from merely organizing activities to orchestrating effective actions from a senior perspective, a panoramic view of the whole. This panoramic view, an eagle’s view, is accomplished by the new & unique tool: the project panorama. It provides an eagle’s view of projects, key people and interests – all at once, enabling you to take actions from the whole of your life. The popular book style organizing systems eventually become ‘archaeological digs’ and the PC buries everything from our sight and attention until we load it up again. People don’t work on what they don’t see.

By getting an eagle’s view, people step off the ‘business as usual’ treadmill and easily integrate a full and diverse range of priorities into the fabric of their daily lives – not only work but community, family, recreational and spiritual concerns as well. Participants discover that Eagle’s View gives them a global perspective without being overwhelmed. In fact, getting an eagle’s view reduces overwhelm and eases stress.

In this new millennium, experts agree that our success will depend upon our ability to make wise choices from an enormous number of possibilities. Today, it is estimated that 17 new technologies are invented every second! Therefore, our ability to make intelligent selections banks upon our capacity to see a great many options quickly. Eagle’s View enables us to do this.

Course Topics Include:

  • Time Transformation – Experience Time as an Opening vs. Time as a Constraint.
  • A Self Assessment in 25 areas of Accomplishment – A Personal Development Plan.
  • Discover How to Make Planning & Goal Setting work
  • Draw an Eagle’s View of Your Life? Gain Insight & Altitude.
  • How to Manage Key People, Projects & Interests Smoothly All-at-Once.
  • Five Easy Daily Steps to achieve an eagle’s view of your life every day!
  • Shift from Activity (busy) to Effective Action.
  • Escape ‘To Do List – Driven’ Activity to ‘outcome inspired’ Action.
  • Master the Four Critical Aspects of Effective Action.
  • Transform Your Environment and Increase Your Personal Effectiveness.
  • Free Yourself from The Twenty Popular, Unrealizable Time Fantasies.
  • Create Your Future from the Future – The Merlin Exercise.
  • Why Significant Projects bog down and How to Rejuvenate them.
  • Futurability: How to Make Objectives More Realizable.
  • Prioritizing & How to Make It Work for You.
  • The Time Traditions & How to Capture Precious Time. 
You can’t save time! Create Time with the Time Generator Checklist

The Eagle’s View Tool Kit contains:

The 6-column Project Panorama, Pen, 40-page Workbook, 2 Audio CDs, Course Cards, 200 blank Panorama Cards(four colors), Weekly Performance Panoramas, 12 Monthly Calendars, Yearly Planner, Telephone Message Cards, Computer Panorama Card Sheets, Panorama Card Box, Address & Phone Cards, Memo Cards, Eagle’s View of Your Life page, and Sample Printed Panorama Cards.

Praise for Eagles View Audio Program

“Eagle’s View gives me a panoramic view of all the people, projects and accountabilities in my world. My experience of freedom and control have increased dramatically since the workshop. My personal projects and my family are no longer on the back burner.”

– Vice President, Oil Services Company, Houston, Texas

“My personal life has improved greatly since taking the Eagle’s View CD course. I love the discontinuous aspect of the project panorama. It helps me quickly reorder priorities consistent with the world at hand. I have two of my direct reports using project panoramas now too!”

– Bank Vice President, Organization Capability, Bethesda, Maryland

“This is the tool I’ve been looking for for 30 years! My project panorama gives me the big picture – fast! Thank you, Eagle’s View!”

– General Manager, Wood Products Company, Vancouver, British Columbia

“Eagle’s View is great! It was when I redid the ‘self assessment’ that I realized – it’s a miracle! And I’m not exaggerating. The biggest difference in my life is the constant sense of accomplishment I now have. Thank you! I’m having so much fun with this!”

– Owner, Certified Public Accounting Firm, Monterey, California

“Finally, Freedom! Eagle’s View has provided me with a freedom and a focus that years of lists, organizational and time management tools have failed to provide. My experience of my day to day life has changed from one of ‘never being able to get it all done’ and a chronic sense of overwhelm to one of focus and joy!”

– Special Education Teacher, Houston, Texas