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The CoachLab Game combines fun and learning with actual coaching. Two to four players at a time can play this challenging game, which lasts about 45 minutes – and you can play it over and over again. The CoachLab Game, the gymnasium for the Coach?s mind and Being, features the following:
PRINCIPLE cards help players acquire the knowledge they need to deliver ‘thunderbolt!’ coaching and have players achieve superior performance.
CASE cards challenge coaches to exercise their coaching skills immediately and learn from the other players’ coaching experiences.
WISDOM cards contain enlightening and inspiring quotes from the ‘coaching masters’ of the ages and call for players to relate their own experiences to them.
CARTOON cards: 60 original coaching cartoons accelerate participants’ learning through humor.
- The element of chance simulates the ‘real life’ coaching arena.
- Take the Mystery Out of Coaching
- Coach Individuals and Teams to Achieve Extraordinary Results
- The CoachLab Game can easily be employed as a stand-alone learning device. The game is an integral tool in the CoachLab workshop.
- Expand Your Natural Coaching Ability
The game’s purpose is to assist people in mastering a compelling body of 56 coaching principles, concepts and techniques contained in the Porché & Niederer book (included), Coach Anyone About Anything: How to Help People Succeed in Business and Life. This set of skills and knowledge has been invented, developed and practiced successfully over 47 cumulative years by Germaine Porché, MSOD, and Jed Niederer, CLU, professional coaches, management consultants and educators. The CoachLab Game has proven to be a highly effective learning tool, applying accelerated learning principles and techniques.